Table of contents

Writing plugins

Magui plugins should conform to the following standards:

  • Written in python and stored in the maguiclient/plugins folder following whatever desired hierarchy (for example, try to match risu plugins structure for easyness in filtering)
  • Implement some base functions keeping arguments and data returned as in others:

  • init()

    • Returns list of triggers (array with strings) (contain risu plugin ID data to act on)
  • run(data)
    • Returns information that is later shown by magui
  • help()

    • Returns string with description of plugin
  • Plugins for Magui should refer to processing of risu data for doing it's work

  • In order to do so, each risu plugins has a unique UID calculated via md5sum via relative path and plugin name.

  • Results are then filtered to get the data for that plugin ID, for example:


    Plugin ID to act on:


    Note that this ID is returned via 'triggers' in the init function, so only the data that this plugin can process is provided.

    returncode = risu.RC_OKAY

    message = '' for ourdata in data: # 'err' in this case should be always equal to the md5sum of the file so that we can report the problem err = [] for sosreport in ourdata['sosreport']: err.append(ourdata['sosreport'][sosreport]['err'])

    if len(sorted(set(err))) != 1:
        message = _("Pipeline.yaml contents differ across sosreports, please do check that the contents are the same and shared across the environment to ensure proper behavior.")
        returncode = risu.RC_FAILED

    out = '' err = message return returncode, out, err ```