Table of contents

Writing Unit tests for plugins

Risu uses unittesting for the main python wrappers ( and, but tests are mostly written in bash so no UT is performed.

As a workaround and to detect issues in your code you can:

  • Test the code as part of functional testing (like we do for each test we develop)
  • Consider creating unittests for it

Creating the tests

Tests require two things:

  • Script that setups a fake folder with relevant contents to either pass, skipped or fail a test
  • The actual unittest that tox executes via py.test

For example, for bugzilla_httpd_bug_1406417 we create:

  • tests/plugins-unit-tests/setup/bugzilla/
  • tests/plugins-unit-tests/

First file (in the setup/ folder) does the proper setup of the fake root:

# The way we're executed, $1 is the script name, $2 is the mode and $3 is the folder

case $2 in
        # Create required files for test to pass
        mkdir -p $FOLDER
        # Touch the systemctl command we check
        mkdir -p "$FOLDER/var/log/httpd/"
        echo "" > "$FOLDER/var/log/httpd/error_log"

       # Create required files for test to fail
        mkdir -p $FOLDER
        # Touch the systemctl command we check
        mkdir -p "$FOLDER/var/log/httpd/"
        echo "MaxRequestWorkers" > "$FOLDER/var/log/httpd/error_log"

        # Do nothing, the folder will be empty and test should be skipped

You'll need to adapt above code or use it as template for creating your own setup script.

Once done, the actual unittest should be checked, for example (note that test is named test_\$PLUGINNAME):

import os
import subprocess
from unittest import TestCase
import tempfile
import shutil

from risu import risu

# To create your own test, update NAME with plugin name and copy this file to test_$
NAME = 'httpd_bug_1406417'

testplugins = os.path.join(risu.risudir, 'plugins', 'test')
plugins = os.path.join(risu.risudir, 'plugins')
folder = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'setup')
uttest = risu.findplugins(folders=[folder], include=[NAME])[0]
us = os.path.basename(uttest)
citplugs = risu.findplugins(folders=[plugins], include=[us])

# Setup commands and expected return codes
rcs = {"pass": risu.RC_OKAY,
       "fail": risu.RC_FAILED,
       "skipped": risu.RC_SKIPPED,
       "info": risu.RC_INFO}

def runtest(testtype='False'):
    # testtype will be 'pass', 'fail', 'skipped'

    # We're iterating against the different UT tests defined in UT-tests folder
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='risu-tmp')

    # Setup test for 'testtype'[uttest, uttest, testtype, tmpdir])

    # Run test against it
    res = risu.dorisu(path=tmpdir, plugins=citplugs)

    # Get Return code
    rc = res[0]['result']['rc']

    # Remove tmp folder

    # Check if it passed
    return rc

class RisuTest(TestCase):
    def test_pass(self):
        # testtype will be 'pass', 'fail', 'skipped'
        testtype = 'pass'
        assert runtest(testtype='fail') == rcs[testtype]

    def test_fail(self):
        # testtype will be 'pass', 'fail', 'skipped'
        testtype = 'fail'
        assert runtest(testtype=testtype) == rcs[testtype]

    def test_skip(self):
        # testtype will be 'pass', 'fail', 'skipped'
        testtype = 'skipped'
        assert runtest(testtype=testtype) == rcs[testtype]


For a new plugin and test you'll then require:

  • risu/risuclient/plugins/core/path-to-your-plugin/$
  • tests/plugins-unit-tests/setup/bugzilla/$
  • tests/plugins-unit-tests/test_$

You'll still have to code your plugin and the setup, and for the test, copy one of the provided like and edit the 'NAME' variable inside the python file to match your plugin.

tox should now pick it up and report status.

Let us know if you face any issue while creating them.