Table of contents

Writing checks

Risu tests should conform to the following standards:

  • The test script must be executable. Risu will ignore tests for which it does not have execute permission (and report CI errors if there's a file which has not +x set in the plugins folder)

  • Test should include a line starting with # description:, # long_name, # priority and optional # bugzilla followed with a one line comment which describes plugin information, for example:

sh # description: This plugins does check answer for Universe and everything # long_name: This is a tests for emulating Deep Tought answers # priority: 500 # bugzilla:

  • The test should return one of the following error codes to indicate the test result:

  • \$RC_OKAY -- success

  • \$RC_FAILED -- failure
  • \$RC_SKIPPED -- skipped
  • \$RC_INFO -- info

  • Plugin output should we written to STDERR, for example with:

echo "This test has failed" >&2

  • Additionally strings that would be interesting to 'translate', should be preceded by \$ like:

    echo $"This test has failed" >&2

  • In the same way that for python scripts using i18n you'll be using _("string")

  • This will allow to use bash to dump strings in bash scripts that could be later translated with poedit.

A test may make use of the following standard environment variables:

  • $RISU_ROOT -- tests that parse files should locate them relative to this directory. For example, if your script needs to examine /etc/sysctl.conf, it might have something like:
if grep -q '^net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1' "${RISU_ROOT}/etc/sysctl.conf"; then
  • $RISU_LIVE -- if 0, tests are running against a filesystem snapshot of some sort. Tests should not attempt to use commands that interrogate the system on which it is running. If this variable is 1, the tests are running on a live system.

  • $RISU_BASE -- this is location of the risu folder.

  • $PLUGIN_BASEDIR -- this contains the folder of the plugin that is being executed. The $PLUGIN_BASEDIR can be used to source files within the plugin folder.

Common Functions

We provide helper script to help define location of various files. To use this script you can source it at the top:

# Load common functions
[ -f "${RISU_BASE}/" ] && . "${RISU_BASE}/"

List of implemented functions

  • $systemctl_list_units_file -- if tests are running against a filesystem snapshot of some sort. This variable can be used to easier identify the systemctl list units file.

  • $journalctl_file -- if tests are running against a filesystem snapshot of some sort. This variable can be used to easier identify the systemctl list units file.

  • iniparser -- parses ini file and returns value in lowercase

  • Example: sh if [[ "$(iniparser $config_file DEFAULT debug)" == "true" ]]; then echo "debug enabled in $config_file" fi

  • is_active $service -- reports if service is active either based on live or snapshoot

  • Example: sh if is_active ntpd; then echo "NTP Running";fi

  • is_required_file $file -- continues if file exists or exits $RC_SKIPPED if doesn't

  • Example: sh is_required_file "${RISU_ROOT}/var/log/messages"

  • discover_osp_version $openstack-nova-common-version_package -- echos osp version based on openstack-nova-common version

  • Example: sh if [[ "$(discover_osp_version)" -eq "10" ]]; then echo "We're Newton";fi

  • name_osp_version $openstack-nova-common-version_package -- echos osp version 'codename' based on openstack-nova-common version

  • Example: sh if [[ "$(name_osp_version)" -eq "pike" ]]; then echo "We're Pike!";fi

  • is_process $process -- returns if process exists on the system

  • Example: sh if is_process ntpd; then echo "NTP Running!";fi

  • is_lineinfile $pattern $files -- returns if pattern match is found in file

  • Example: sh if is_lineinfile "^debug[ \t]*=[ \t]*true" "$config_file"; then echo "Debug enabled."; fi

  • is_required_containerized -- continues if environment is containerized works only against OSP12 and later

  • Example: sh if is_required_containerized; then echo "Environment is containerized" fi

  • is_containerized -- returns true or false if environment is containerized works only against OSP12 and later

  • Example: sh if is_containerized; then echo "Environment is containerized" else echo "Environment is NOT containerized" fi

  • docker_runit -- execute the command inside docker works only with docker

  • Example: sh # docker exec -i $(docker ps | grep rabbitmq-bundle | cut -d" " -f1) sh -c "rabbitmqctl report" docker_runit "rabbitmq-bundle" "rabbitmqctl report" | grep partitions

  • discover_rhrelease -- find RH Release number based on /etc/redhat-release code name

  • Example: sh if [[ $(discover_rhrelease) -eq "7" ]] ; then echo "RHEL 7 detected" else echo "RHEL 7 not detected" fi

  • NOTE: It might return '0', so it's convenient in your scripts to run something like: sh [[ "${RELEASE}" -eq '0' ]] && echo "RH release undefined" >&2 && exit ${RC_SKIPPED} To early leave the script

  • is_pkg $pkg -- returns package version if installed on system (RHEL/Centos/Fedora | Debian)

  • Example: sh # is_pkg systat sos-3.2-15.el7.noarch

  • is_required_pkg $pkg -- continues if package is installed or exits with $RC_SKIPPED if required package is missing

  • Example: sh is_required_pkg sysstat

  • is_pkg_over $pkg -- Checks if provided package is over specific release

  • Example: sh if is_pkg_over dracut dracut-033-502; then ## Note, version string is DISTRO dependent echo "dracut is not affected by spectre" else echo "update dracut to get the fix for spectre vulnerability" fi

  • is_required_pkg_over $pkg -- Checks if provided PKG is over specific release or exit as FAILED

  • Example: sh is_required_pkg_over dracut dracut-033-502

  • is_rpm $rpm -- returns rpm name as installed on the system

  • Example: sh # is_rpm sos sos-3.2-15.el7.noarch

  • is_dpkg $dpkg -- returns dpkg version as installed on the system

  • Example: sh # is_dpkg libc6 2.12.1-0ubuntu10.2

  • is_required_rpm $rpm -- Fallsback to is_required_pkg $package after forcing rpm distro check.

  • is_rpm_over -- Fallsback to is_pkg_over $package after forcing rpm distro check.
  • is_required_rpm_over -- Fallsback to is_required_pkg_over $package after forcing rpm distro check.

  • is_required_dpkg $dpkg -- Fallsback to is_required_pkg $package after forcing dpkg distro check.

  • is_dpkg_over -- Fallsback to is_pkg_over $package after forcing dpkg distro check.
  • is_required_dpkg_over -- Fallsback to is_required_pkg_over $package after forcing dpkg distro check.

  • are_dates_diff_over -- Checks if two dates are over X days in diff

  • Example: sh are_dates_diff_over 5 "2017-12-01 14:40" "2017-12-31 14:45"

  • is_filemode $mode $file -- Checks file mode on disk to be XXXX, for example 0755

  • is_required_filemode $mode $file -- Fallsback to is_filemode requiring file and mode to exist and being equal
  • virt_type -- Reports virtualization type in use or empty for baremetal
  • is_virtual -- True for Virtual, False for baremetal