Table of contents

Extract strings

As described in plugins documentation, Risu can make use of translated strings.

  • Strings like $"Whatever" in bash scripts

  • Strings with _("whatever") in python if language file has been installed

    # Import the _() function
    import gettext
    localedir = os.environ["TEXTDOMAINDIR"]
    # This will use system defined LANGUAGE
    trad = gettext.translation("risu", localedir, fallback=True)
        _ = trad.ugettext
    except AttributeError:
        _ = trad.gettext

In order to prepare them for translation, script must be used.

It requires some dependencies to work, so easiest way is to run tox -e pep8 as tox takes care of preparing a virtual environment with pre-requirements and run from there.

What If... I don't have tox? or it's older?

If your system version of tox is old, approach will be:

  • If you've pipsi installed, just run pipsi install tox to get a virtualized version of tox installed that you can use.
  • If pipsi is not installed, run first pip install pipsi.
  • If pip is not available, install your distribution python-pip package equivalent.

NOTE: Ensure that your local path (~/.local/bin) precedes regular system path so that your shell uses first the files in the local venvs created by pipsi.

NOTE: Do not install anything else with pip as it can mess with your system-wide installed libraries and cause havoc on other programs.

Editing the catalog with poedit

Once you have decided to start a translation or to improve a new one, you must use the risu.pot as 'base' for a new translation OR if you already have one created:

  • Open prior translation with poedit (so you can edit missing to translate strings)
  • If a plugin has introduced new strings, those will not appear on the file you're editing, so you'll need to update it:
  • Execute ./ to update risu.pot with the new strings
  • While your older translation is open, select from the poedit menus: Catalog, then Update from POT file, and then select risu.pot.
  • The new strings will appear in your editor, remember to save to create risu.po for your language and the compiled
  • Remember to add those files to the repo in your commit if you want others to take advantage of it.
  • Execute --lang $LANG to test it